
How to Become Intelligent in Studies?

Who doesn’t crave intelligence? Everyone does.

Intelligence is acquired rather than inherent. The truth is that we are all empty vessels when we first arrive on Earth.

Although we inherit some traits from our ancestors, our fate is ultimately determined by our actions.

Many brilliant people worldwide fail to achieve much because they lack the motivation to develop their natural abilities and expertise.

On the other end of the spectrum, several examples of people who rose above hardship to achieve greatness.

The same is true for academics; no student is born clever; they work hard for it and put their heart and soul into their studies.

If you wish to boost your intellectual abilities or become more intelligent, there are several concrete ways to do that.

Tips to become intelligent in studies

Here are few ways that will help you become intelligent in your studies:

Commit to becoming an enduring scholar.

People used to assume that intellect was fixed and that it could not be increased by hard work.

However, recent data shows that this is not the case. At the same time, an ignorant person may never become a genius; it is increasingly likely that anybody may improve her brain to some extent.

However, the procedure is not as straightforward as simply acquiring some new vocabulary terms.

Learning to interact more fully and critically with the world around you requires time and effort.

Follow your enthusiasm.

People learn most successfully when they are enthusiastic about their subject. If you are passionate about something, you will naturally want to know more about it; this focused, prolonged research leads to improved intelligence.

Accurate intelligence entails thorough command of a few areas rather than superficial comprehension of many.

Albert Einstein possessed equal physics, anthropology, linguistics, geology, animal behavior, and literary critique. Not.

To be a metaphorical jack-of-all-trades is to be a master of none; attempting to study a little bit of everything may result in comprehending a lot of nothing.

Understanding your capabilities and capabilities will help you uncover areas of interest that are personally engaging and entertaining to learn about.

Every day, read a little bit.

Is it true that reading makes you smarter? Yes, reading improves your IQ regardless of the subject matter.

Reading produces an environment conducive to introspection and critical thought.

You pause to reflect on what you’ve read. The act of reading necessitates concentration.

Just focusing stimulates the intellect and increases brainpower.

Of course, as an adult, you profit more from learning a fascinating or complex subject.

Pushing yourself to read more difficult literature puts beneficial pressure on your intellect.

Books on current events or societal issues urge you to think critically.

Meanwhile, fiction broadens your awareness of the human condition and improves your emotional intelligence.

Reading also provides your brain with a wealth of information and terminology. Every day, try to pick up a decent book and read it.

It’s entertaining, soothing, educational, and mentally stimulating.

Take good care of yourself.

People frequently forget that the brain, like any other physical organ, is a bodily organ.

A physically well-cared-for brain performs at a higher level than a neglected one, just as your skin is healthier if you wash and your lungs are better if you don’t smoke.

It may surprise you how much more successful you process information if you get adequate sleep, exercise regularly, and consume various fruits and vegetables.

Read the news.

While keeping up with current events may not always boost your intellectual ability, a bright, interested individual should desire to connect with the world in which she lives.

Having new ideas frequently means expanding on previous ones, so it is always a good idea to learn as much as you can about the world’s issues and the many approaches individuals are taking to tackle them.

Remember that all news sources have some form of bias; make sure you obtain your news from various sources and never take something as absolute fact simply because it is in the newspaper.

Lessen your dependence on technology.

The ease with which we may access knowledge nowadays makes our lives much easier, but it may also make us stupid.

The cerebral circuits involved in reading maps, for example, are likely to be substantially weaker in the brains of Millennials than in the brains of their parents.

This is because most Millennials rely primarily on GPS navigation to help them find their route, whereas prior generations had to get out an atlas if they got lost.

Similarly, if they can’t remember what a term means, many individuals are more inclined to Google than sit down and concentrate on attempting to recall.

Instead of improving their capacity to recollect knowledge, they may easily access it with absolutely no thinking.

Try to rely less on your phone and more on your thinking.

Make use of big words.

It does not take a genius to learn new terms, but a few great times and grammatical flourishes may give you the image of being intelligent.

Make some flashcards or download a word-a-day app.

Identify and repair some typical grammar faults in your speech.

You may even search up a few literary lines to sprinkle throughout your chats.

Remember that utilizing unusual terms is only impressive if you use them correctly—saying “juxtaposition” will not gain you any points if you don’t know what it means or how to pronounce it.

Be modest and reserved.

In the same way that everyone starts to think that the man who continues repeating he’s not racist could be racist, people may begin to worry if you repeatedly attempt to impress everyone with how brilliant you are.

People may assume that if you are quiet and humble, you are preoccupied with severe ideas.

If someone else makes a foolish remark in a group chat, this is a great time to put this into practice.

If you jump in to correct or mock them, you risk coming out as cruel rather than clever.

Instead, let them do the work for you by remaining quietly for a minute, allowing their comments to sink in, and then moving the discussion along when it becomes unpleasant.

It will create the appearance that you just couldn’t come up with a way to answer such a foolish statement and opted to go on to save that individual from additional embarrassment.

Examine What You’ve Learned

Once you’ve learned anything new, go over it again. You can’t know if you don’t recall what you’ve already learned.

Repetition is how memory works. When you repeat a fact, you restart the wheels of memory.

The practice of progressively reviewing material aids in the retention of knowledge. Experiences are stored in the brain’s outer cortex before becoming memories in the hippocampus.

Unfortunately, they frequently become dislodged in the jumble of information that comes through. Memories vanish in the tumult of thinking, much like dropping your keys at a busy nightclub.

Everyone forgets things. Prepare for this eventuality by making a strategy to examine everything you wish to remember. Repetitive learning improves information retention.

Take Part in Brain Games

Brain games may not outperform your gaming system, but they do claim to increase your cognitive abilities.

Many applications claim to improve your IQ by playing enjoyable and straightforward games.

These firms claim that by playing neuroscientist-created games, you will enjoy the advantages of their research. Students enjoy mind teasers. These initiatives receive a lot of attention, whether they succeed or not.

Brain games are marketed as a means to improve fluid intelligence.

It relates to problem-solving abilities transferred from the game to real-life circumstances, which is the game’s essence.

Of course, if you keep playing the games, you will improve, but your acquired capabilities must broaden to encompass other areas.

Exercise regularly

Guys grunting in the gym don’t usually resemble Albert Einstein, but regular exercise makes you smarter.

Incorporating 30 minutes of aerobic activity into your daily regimen will improve your brain sharpness and intellect.

“Healthy mind, healthy body,” as an old Roman proverb says.

Surprisingly, this adage has scientific support.

According to Concordia University research, increasing blood and oxygen flow to the brain improves cognitive wellness.

Multitasking when exercising activates not only numerous parts of the brain but also plays a physiologic purpose.

Start working out on the elliptical machine while listening to a mind-bending scientific podcast. You are free to grumble.


A brief daily meditation practice can improve your focus, alertness, creativity, and intellect.

Several studies have found a direct correlation between meditation and enhanced brain activity.

Many well-known university researchers suggest that meditation is beneficial to the brain:

  • UCLA conducted research that linked long-term meditation to better retained grey matter, resulting in healthier brains for older people.
  • Meditation, according to Yale University, lowers daydreaming.
  • Meditation, according to Johns Hopkins, reduces melancholy, pain, and anxiety.
  • According to Harvard studies, meditation has been related to brain development in the hippocampus and improved memory and learning.

The extensive research on the effects of meditation on the brain has generated overwhelmingly good results.

Here’s how to go about it:

  • Find a quiet place with few distractions.
  • Sit comfortably with your back straight.
  • A chair with a straight back works well.
  • There’s no need to sit cross-legged like a Buddha.
  • Set your phone to timer mode.
  • Any amount of time will suffice.
  • Your gaze should be relaxed.
  • It’s your option whether to keep your eyes open or closed.
  • Breathe normally, but pay attention to your breathing.
  • You are now prepared.

At this moment, various possibilities become available.

Most people believe that meditation entails cleansing one’s thoughts. However, this is not always the case.

Total thoughtlessness will not come easy to novices.

Feel free to try, but don’t be startled if a loud, annoying thought careens into your brain – it’s unavoidable.

A mantra is the most effective form of meditation for beginners.

A mantra is ideally a vague word or phrase that you repeat calmly to yourself. The slogan might be anything.

You can make it up or utilize a traditional mantra such as “aum Shanti.” The phrase’s meaninglessness adds to its potency — one less thing to distract you from the words.

If an unwanted notion creeps into your mantra, don’t stop chanting.

Instead, notice the idea, direct it away, and restore your attention to the chant.

Of course, individual outcomes may differ. Experiment with various concentration techniques and procedures.

Explore your alternatives and decide which one is best for you.

Meditation, as several studies have shown, will increase your IQ, memory, and brain function.

Begin with five minutes of mantra meditation every day to see what a difference it makes.

Discover How to Play a Musical Instrument

Picking up an instrument will not only make you look more intelligent to your peers, but it will also make you smarter.

When you play an instrument, you use a large portion of your brain at the same time. Take a look at your senses.

While playing an agent, you employ your visual, aural, and physical abilities. Your musical experience uses a plethora of cognitive processes at the same time, for example:

  • visual clues from seeing your hands’ analytic skills to read music
  • sustaining rhythm and tone knowledge of physical space using your motor cortex, creating muscle memory participating in social performance cues

Learn a new language.

This will drive your brain to navigate new methods of building meaning, as well as improve your intuitive and conscious grasp of language systems.

Thinking about language more often has the extra benefit of increasing the command of your first language, and acquiring all those new terms will assist in strengthening your recall.

Eat Wisely.

You have to eat, so why not increase your IQ with brain-boosting superfoods? Specific diets have been shown to improve cognitive capacity.

There’s no need to purchase fad foods online; the most incredible meals may be found on the shelves of your local grocery shop.

The optimal nutrients for brain function are all heavy in fat.

Fat has a terrible reputation. People often assume that eating fat makes you fat. Some fats are harmful to your health, but not all. Trans fats are included in the foods to avoid.

Trans fat, which is frequently labeled on products as partly hydrogenated oil, relates to high cholesterol, inflammation, diabetes, stroke, and other health concerns.

Instead of trans-fat-laden foods like potato chips, go for foods high in monounsaturated fats, such as fish or almonds. Your brain will be grateful. After all, the human brain is composed of 60% fat.

Don’t be ashamed of your fat brain. The brain needs fat to function correctly.

Despite its modest size (approximately 2% of our body weight), the brain consumes 20% of our energy. Don’t starve this gas guzzler.

In conclusion

Aside from the methods listed above, it would help if you believed in yourself that anyone could achieve this, and it is not a difficult nut to crack.

Amit Kumar blog is managed by Amit Kumar. He and his team come from the Oxford, Stanford and Harvard. At FreeEducator, we strive to create the best admission platform so that international students can go to the best universities - regardless of financial circumstances. By applying with us, international students get unlimited support and unbiased advice to secure the best college offers overseas.

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