
Yoga For Concentration in Studies

Studies can be pretty stressful at times, especially when preparing for an exam. We are all familiar with the situation where we are grasping every straw to concentrate on our studies but failed miserably.

While there are many ways to relieve stress and anxiety, it is not a bad idea to combine your study session with rejuvenating movement that can ease your mind and relieve some of your stress. It will surely help you improve your concentration. And what else can be the better way to do that other than Yoga.

Yoga is much more than physical exercise; it is a way of life. Its significance is recognized all over the world, and it is carried out regularly.

We are all well-versed in the miraculous health benefits of Yoga, but the best part is that Yoga works on a soul level.

According to a recent study, practicing Yoga for 20 minutes per day can improve brain function and help students focus better on their studies.

Yoga- Classification

Yoga is an ancient and spiritual discipline focused on creating harmony between the body, mind, and spirit.

Yoga practice can lead to feelings of calm and well-being, a sense of being at one with one’s surroundings. Yoga relaxes both the body and the mind. Yoga will also help you battle illnesses and cure them.

It entails physical postures, meditation, and deep breathing.

Routine yoga practice will improve stamina, resilience, calmness, flexibility, and overall well-being.

What are the health benefits of Yoga?

  • Help promote overall wellbeing by relieving tension, encouraging healthy behaviors, and enhancing mental/emotional health, sleep, and balance.
  • Relieve low-back and neck pain, as well as tension-type headaches and knee osteoarthritis.
  • Assist people who are overweight or obese in losing weight.
  • Assist people in quitting smoking.
  • Assist people in coping with anxiety or depression caused by adversity in their lives.
  • Relieve the effects of menopause.
  • Assist people suffering from chronic illnesses in managing their symptoms and improving their quality of life.

Importance of Yoga for students

Yoga includes breathing techniques, meditation, and poses intended to promote relaxation and stress reduction.

Yoga has multiple benefits for both mental and physical health.

Yoga is undeniably beneficial to students.

People nowadays tend to neglect their physical and mental health, causing stress and exhaustion in the body.

Unfortunately, as a result of diverse life circumstances and work cultures, almost all of today’s youth and children have become patients of various diseases such as fatigue, nervousness, digestive issues, sleeping disorders, and so on.

Many factors contribute to an unpleasant way of life, including peer and family pressure, exam stress, long work hours, and erratic dietary habits.

Yoga has become a daily part of everyday life.

It is essential for everyone, whether you are a child or an adult, to practice Yoga regularly to gain benefits such as feelings of serenity, maintaining vitality levels, improving adaptability, and discovering inspiration to channelize your energies correctly.

Learning Yoga at a young age can have a positive and tremendous impact on the students’ overall well-being and prosperity.

As a result, regular practice will result in better posture, increased lung ability, enhanced memory, and aid in developing a state of mind when exploring one’s innermost potential.

Benefits of Yoga

Here are some of the Yoga Benefits you should know:

Reduce & Eliminate Stress

The most common reason people start taking yoga lessons is to relieve tension, as students are under a lot of stress from the start.

Pressure to excel from family and friends, financial stressors, and a stressful social environment add up and take their toll.

Stress can be reduced and eliminated by taking only a few minutes per day to breathe deeply.

Reduce Conflict

Conflicts are unavoidable when living in the near-quarters of a dorm room, fraternity house, or apartment building.

Yoga can assist with this by lowering tension and increasing trust, which can help calm the mind and produce a sense of calm.

Many students feel that Yoga helps them calm their feelings and improves their capacity to cope with frustrating situations.

Improve Concentration

Many yoga practitioners report that they can concentrate better.

Yoga helps students clear their minds, which can provide a respite from the constant social atmosphere of the college.

Practicing getting into a quiet mind space can help you focus when reading, studying, or sitting through lectures.

When college students need to focus, they can use the breathing techniques taught in Yoga.

Improve Posture

Indian monks founded yoga to help them sit through long hours of meditation. As students spend hours sitting in class, followed by hours of learning or working on their feet, Yoga can benefit students is by improving posture.

Strengthen Core

One of the best advantages of Yoga is versatility, which can aid with boosting strength and stamina in other athletic ventures.

Core strength is a fantastic side effect of Yoga that can also help support your back during your college years as you travel in and out of apartments and dorm rooms.

Yoga for Concentration in Studies

“Yoga for concentration and memory” is an ideal term to describe the benefits of Yoga for improving concentration and memory.

Yoga improves not only one’s fitness but also one’s overall quality of life.

Yoga was found to help subjects perform better than aerobics or no exercise at all in the study.

Yoga improved concentration and attention by relaxing the mind and removing intrusive outside thoughts.

Concentration is the most potent form of energy.

It is possible to become unhappy with our emotions, feelings, and behavior when we consider something wretched.

Students of this generation have a difficult time overcoming this.

Yoga helps to calm the mind and body so that we can think more clearly and focus better.

“Yoga is the reduction of fluctuations of the mind,” said the wise sage Patanjali.

Daily yoga practice allows one to focus and conquer.

Here are some simple but effective yoga asanas to help you focus and get a head start on your studies.

  • Tadasana (The Mountain Pose)
  • Vrikshasana (The Tree Pose)
  • Savasana (The Corpse Pose)
  • Padmasana (The Lotus Pose)
  • Bhramari Pranayama (Breathing Practice)
  • Yog Mudra(Salutation Seal )
  • Seated forward bend pose(Paschimottanasana )

The Mountain Pose (Tadasana)

According to many scholars, Tadasana is the most appropriate Asana in Yoga, dubbed the “Mother of Asanas.”

This appears to be a basic asana, but it is the source of all asanas.

When one pursues it, the state of calmness becomes overwhelmed.

Yoga is a state of meditation in which one describes himself. It raises the levels of oxygen in the spinal cord and brain. It helps to strengthen the nervous system, allowing internal organs to function more effectively.

How to practice Tadasana

  • Stand relaxed and concentrated.
  • Both the hands tightly rested on both Sides.

Vrikshasana(The Tree Pose )

Vrikshasana is one of the most basic asanas, but it is also one of the most helpful. This gives our bodies the proper posture.

Standing in this pose is a state of bliss in which one must focus on his physical and mental balance. The tree pose is a very natural pose to do.

How to practice Vrikshasana

  • You must stand tall like a tree with your arms at your sides.
  • Bend the right leg at the knee, lift the right thigh, and push the sole of the right foot as far as possible up the inside of the left thigh.
  • Maintain your balance by standing on your left foot.
  • Lift both arms above your head, elbows unbent, and join your hands.
  • Hold the pose for around ten full breaths when softly breathing through the nostrils.
  • Return to a standing position by lowering your arms and right leg.
  • After a few minutes, repeat with the opposite leg.

Yog Mudra(Salutation Seal )

‘Salutation seal’ is the simplest and most convenient one to do when studying. This pose increases the ability of your concentration.

How to practice Yog Mudra

  • Sit cross-legged and clasp your hands together.
  • Take deep breaths while keeping the neck straight.
  • Remove your gaze from your textbooks and close them for at least two to five minutes. Remove all worries from your mind and observe how this pose will help you strengthen your concentration.
  • You should do this for 15 minutes at regular intervals every day.

Paschimottanasana (Seated forward bend pose)

Paschimottanasana is one such pose that can easily stretch the legs, hamstrings, and lower back, allowing for prolonged focus.

It is a well-known fact that if the lower back and legs are tense, concentration levels will inevitably suffer.

That is why many working professionals and students, especially those who must sit and focus for long periods, benefit from a few minutes of movement. To relax, stretch your arms in front of you, lift them with an inhalation, and lower them with an exhalation.

How to practice Paschimottanasana

  • Start by sitting down and stretching your legs out in front of you.
  • Raise both arms above the head and spread them.
  • Bend over from the hips, bringing your chin to your toes.
  • Place your hands as far as they can go.
  • Keep the spine upright and lengthen it by slowly reaching forward quickly when doing this asana.

Savasana (Corpse Pose )

You are relaxed but aware while performing Savasana.

This Asana aids in the relaxation of the mind, body, and soul.

We maintain our state of rest by being aware of what is going on inside our bodies.

We sleep by focusing on blood flow and other bodily functions.

Savasana gives your body and minds a chance to process what happened during your yoga class.

It serves as a necessary complement to the effort you put forth during asana practice.

You can also practice Savasana at home before sleeping to calm your mind and get a better night’s sleep.

How to Practice Savasana

  • Lie on your back with your belly on top.
  • Set your hands and legs to the side.
  • Maintain your calm.
  • Feel as if every organ in your body is resting.
  • Spend 10 minutes in savasana.

Padmasana(Lotus Pose )

Padmasana, also widely recognized as the Lotus position, is a cross-legged yoga posture that helps deepen meditation by calming the mind and relieving various physical ailments.

Frequent practice of this posture helps in the practitioner’s overall blossoming.

In Chinese and Tibetan Buddhism, the Lotus pose is also known as the Vajra position.

If you’re starting, try counting from 200 to 1 slowly and without making any mistakes.

If you make even one error, go back to the beginning.

This will assist you in directing your thoughts in a single direction, thereby improving concentration.

How to Practice Padmasana (Lotus Position)

  • Sit on the floor or a mat, with your legs stretched out in front of you and your spine straight.
  • Place the right knee on the left thigh and bend it.
  • Check that the soles of the feet are pointing upward and that the heel is close to the abdomen.
  • Rep with the opposite leg.
  • Place your hands on your knees in mudra with your legs crossed and feet on opposite thighs.
  • Keep a straight posture for your head and spine.
  • Hold for a few seconds, then take a few long, gentle breaths in and out.

Calming Breathing Practice (Bhramari Pranayama)

Bhramari Pranayama is an excellent way to improve concentration.

It aids in the relaxation of the mind, as well as the reduction of anxiety and rage.

It raises the body’s positive energy level and eliminates toxins.

This also raises the level of oxygen in the human body.

How to Practice Bhramari Pranayama

  • Close your eyes and sit up straight in a quiet, well-ventilated corner.
  • Maintain a gentle smile on your face.
  • Close your eyes for a few moments.
  • Observe the sensations in your body as well as the stillness within.
  • Put your index fingers on your earlobes.
  • Between your cheek and ear is cartilage.
  • Place your index fingers on the cartilage.
  • Take a deep breath in and gently press the cartilage as you exhale.
  • You can either hold the cartilage squeezed or make a loud bee-like buzzing sound with your fingers as you press it in and out.
  • You can also make a low-pitched sound, but for best results, make a high-pitched one.
  • Breathe in again and repeat the process 3-4 times.

Add Daily Meditation to improve concentration

Students often fantasized about how it is so easy to learn movie dialogues after only hearing them once! They can read a single page many times and still not completely comprehend it.

This is because our minds can only completely absorb anything when they are comfortable.

Nonetheless, it isn’t easy to be calm when studying because our study atmosphere constantly emphasizes that a few exams will make or break our career.

Furthermore, even when studying, many students report that their minds are flooded with ideas and cannot concentrate. Also, everyday feelings, such as envy, hate, and irritation, wreak havoc on the mind and make it difficult to focus correctly.

Yogic lifestyle changes that help in exam preparation, so here are a few pointers –

  • Wake up early in the morning
  • Go to bed early at night.
  • The first move is to get enough rest.
  • Make it a point to get at least 6 to 8 hours of sleep every day.
  • Eat healthy foods, particularly before and during exams.
  • Sattvik diet of whole grains, fresh fruits, and seasonal vegetables is highly beneficial.
  • Chew your food thoroughly.
  • Do not overeat because it causes lethargy.
  • Fried foods, fast foods, and spicy foods should all be avoided.
  • Consume home-cooked meals.
  • Include any dried fruits in your daily diet, such as almonds, pine nuts, and walnuts.
  • Drink plenty of water. Water accounts for almost 75% of the human body.
  • Summer months and test stress add up, so stay hydrated.
  • Bring your water with you during exams to avoid water-borne illnesses and diseases.
  • Maintain daily safe routines.
  • On those days, avoid gatherings, meetings, and functions.
  • Adopt yoga exercises that help to balance the mind, body, and spirit.
  • Maintain a healthy circle of sincere students who are excellent at their studies.
  • Take a break from social media.
  • Switch off your cell phones at night.
  • During exam time, try to talk less and concentrate more.
  • Manage the timetable regularly to avoid wasting it.
  • Recreation is necessary every day, even during exams, but only in moderation. Please do not overdo it or go overboard during exam days.
  • And during exam time, set aside some time to relax.

In Conclusion

Practice Yoga to eliminate external negatives and improve the internal functioning of our bodies.

Students in the twenty-first century are subjected to a variety of mental and physical strains.

Yoga is an art form that teaches students how to tackle obstacles and achieve their goals.

‘Yoga’ is a Sanskrit word that means ‘union.’

With blissful Yoga, let us unite our Body, Soul, and Mind!

Amit Kumar blog is managed by Amit Kumar. He and his team come from the Oxford, Stanford and Harvard. At FreeEducator, we strive to create the best admission platform so that international students can go to the best universities - regardless of financial circumstances. By applying with us, international students get unlimited support and unbiased advice to secure the best college offers overseas.

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