
How to Study for an Exam in 1 day?

While we would disapprove of leaving all your preparation concerning your exams until the last day, we’re here to promise you that it’s not late yet and you can still achieve it. It’s very much possible to study for a test in a day.

With the help of some discipline and proper focus, you can, in any case, prevail on your test in just one day.

While it is in every case recommended to get ready for a test seven days ahead of time, but sometimes life disrupts the general flow. So here we have a couple of approaches for you to ensure your best presentation on your test with just a single day to consider:

1. Don’t panic

It’s pretty natural to panic and stress about your exam when you are left with just one day to prepare yourself. But the anxiety or panic isn’t going to do you any good, so you better keep it off of yourself.

You still have a lot of time to process everything and prepare yourself for the best, and a positive mentality can make you do anything.

In particular, do whatever it takes not to worry over your test. Ordinarily, students take an excessive amount of pressure from their test\ until they end up in awful health due to this unfortunate pressure.

Stress meddles with your capacity to think and learn, so make sure to stay positive for managing the exam pressure and make sure that you don’t panic or worry about your tests.

And on the off chance that you begin to freeze, close your eyes and take a full breath. Advise yourself that you have abilities and capacities, and keep away from negative self-talk. Start telling yourself that you can do it, and you will do it.

2. Find the right spot to study

In case your room is loaded with interruptions and distractions, you should discover another spot. Possibly the library, the nearby coffee shop, an examination corridor, or an outdoor table in the yard will work for you.

Everybody has their ideal study climate. For a few, it’s a peaceful understanding room, while others lean toward the clamor of a café. But if you want a quiet environment, then make sure that there are no distractions and just peace wherever you study. If you can’t find peace at your home, then you can go and explore somewhere quiet.

Also, try not to sit in bed while studying because that will make you sleepy, and you would want to get comfortable, but you don’t have enough time left to get comfortable, so sit on a study table or something similar to that with your back straight up and then studies.

3. Plan what you are going to study

Before sitting to study, you have to write down your schedule or plan what you are going to study.

Since you have very little time left, you would have to focus more on the important questions or those you think to carry more marks than the others in the exam.

You need to plan very carefully and make notes or summaries of all the essential parts or chapters of your syllabus and begin from there. You can go through the remaining chapters later on once you are done with the important chapters and are still left with some more time.

You can also try reading your lecture notes if you have because they can act as life savor day before your exam.

4. No distractions

As you have only one day left, the last thing you would want is to spend your time on your mobile.

If you cant keep yourself away from your mobile for a day, then switch it off and keep it somewhere hidden where you cant find it. 

Your mobile cant is your biggest distraction on the day before your exam, so make sure that you be honest about it and place it somewhere far away from you.

Also, if you are using your laptop to study, then ensure that the internet or the social media apps or games are not coming in your way to interrupt yourself in your studies. You can try turning your notifications off or logging out of your social media accounts for a day to study effectively.

Sometimes students prefer studying with their friends for exams. Still, it is highly recommended that you sit alone to study a day before your exam because sitting with someone esle can tempt you not to research and gossip with your friends, so prefer sitting somewhere quiet all by yourself and learning.

5. Memorize effectively

Are you facing issues with memorizing everything because of pressure and the panic of the exam? It’s completely alright. It happens with most students when they are stressed about how they are going to make it or that their subconscious mind is telling them that it’s not possible. Relax!!!

All you have to do here is keep away all these negative thoughts from your mind and focus on your studies. Try telling yourself that you are not going to stop trying whether you make it or not.

And with helping you memorizing stuff, you can consider writing down the essential points and rewrite them too if possible because writing helps in learning things better.

6. Take a break and then revise

Your body needs rest to sit for the exam the next day. So make sure that you don’t overwork yourself and take small breaks between your studying sessions.

Don’t take a one-hour or 30 minutes break since you don’t have enough time to take extended breaks out of your study sessions; just a 10-15 minutes break is enough to keep you energized while studying.

Also, please don’t use your mobile during your break because it will not let you return to your studies and keep you busy with your social media. So it’s better that you go out and take a walk to refresh your mind and body ad then come back to study.

Once your break is over, start with revising the topic you studied earlier so that you understand everything and learn effectively.

7. Keep your necessities in your reach

Make sure when you sit for studying, you don’t see any interruptions. Because interruptions make you lose consistency and you wouldn’t want that a   day before exam so you better not let these interruptions distract you from your studies

Always before starting to studying, firstly organize your study space. Place everything you need while looking, be it books, notes, pens, flashcards, and a water bottle or snacks, close to your studying space so that you won’t have to get up and interrupt your studies.

8. Practice

Since it’s your last day before your exam, you have to do it effectively and adequately to score well in your upcoming exam.

You have to make sure that you do as much practice as you can to put everything together in your mind that you learned. You can take the help of the past papers or the sample papers to test yourself and practice.

On your last day, your only and the most critical strategy to memorize everything is by way of practicing, so you better focus on that one.


However, it is not recommended that you wait for the last day to prepare yourself for your upcoming exam, so you better not do that, but if you already have done it and now you are pretty much damned.  Don’t worry and apply the above-mentioned tricks to help you with your exam preparation for your upcoming exam. Make sure that you also focus on your health while studying and not overexert yourself in any way.

Amit Kumar blog is managed by Amit Kumar. He and his team come from the Oxford, Stanford and Harvard. At FreeEducator, we strive to create the best admission platform so that international students can go to the best universities - regardless of financial circumstances. By applying with us, international students get unlimited support and unbiased advice to secure the best college offers overseas.

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