
How to overcome laziness in studying?

We can’t even sit with a book, and even if we do, who has the guts to hold it for more than a minute?

But our humiliation reaches its apex when we continue to fantasize about success and striking upshots when, in fact, you are sleeping on the sofa with your books turned down on the table next to you.

Many students nowadays struggle to focus on their studies owing to the problem of laziness. They become drowsy or overwhelmed when learning.

Laziness prevents us from completing crucial chores and may interfere with our education.

If you persist, it will become a habit, which may negatively impact your academics or, worse, your future ambitions.

Doesn’t it sound dreadful? But, just like everything else, you can get rid of it. Here are some tips to assist you to overcome your laziness while studying:

Find yourself a comfortable place

Remember that you don’t need an office to establish a calm, efficient work environment.

In reality, many people prefer to work in more open and collaborative environments, such as a library study room with a small group of classmates.

Find the kind of locations that work best for you, or switch it around a little over the week to avoid feeling bored or alienated when studying.

Divide your larger tasks into smaller tasks.

If you set unrealistically high goals for yourself, you may burn out before you can reach them.

Break down your main tasks into smaller ones and do one tiny sub-task at a time.

That makes the tasks appear more straightforward, resulting in faster completion of the larger goal.

Make a Study Schedule

It may seem apparent but establish a practical strategy.

Know your talents and capabilities first, and then create a timetable around them. For example, in the beginning, you may take on things that you find difficult.

A fresh mind will assist you in better grasping the topics.

You may devote more time to these tricky topics and save the easier ones for the end.

Also, spend less effort on things that you find easy to complete.

Follow Out Your Plan

If you’ve devised a strategy, make sure you stick to it.

Maintain the mindset that you must adhere to your timeline.

Planning without implementation is pointless.

Another method for overcoming lethargy when studying is to remember that you must follow your timetable.

Avoid All Distractions

The most crucial strategy for avoiding laziness when studying is to eliminate any distractions.

When you pick up the phone to look something up on the internet, you’re more likely to wind yourself browsing through social networking applications and chit-chatting with pals.

It is tough to return to studying mode once this has occurred.

So, before you begin studying, please turn off the TV, put your phone on quietly or turn it off, and request seclusion from your roommates or family members.

Remember that removing any distractions will allow you to concentrate and learn more successfully.

Get Organized

Let’s face it: you can’t study well if you don’t know the specific exam and test dates.

It would help if you made a practice of writing down everything – your thoughts, meetings, family and social activities, things you need to complete, and the dates when your tasks are due.

Nobody has a flawless memory, and attempting to recall everything may be difficult.

You may use a notebook or a planner or install one of the excellent note-taking programs you may use on your smartphone or computer, such as Google Keep, Evernote, Notion, Apple Notes for Apple users, or Microsoft OneNote.

Use Tested Study Methods

Don’t just strive to remember knowledge; instead, strive to comprehend it. Please read about the issue and then tell your friends about it or make a quick synopsis. This method is more effective.

Numerous studies show that studying detailed information in short bursts helps us learn it better.

This method is known as spaced learning.

This strategy is the foundation of the well-known Pomodoro method. You must divide the activity into little pieces of time and take brief breaks after completing each one.

Here’s how to use this strategy in your study sessions:

  • Set a timer for 25 minutes and work on your homework throughout that period.
  • Take a 2-3 minute rest when the timer goes off.
  • Repetition of the first two steps
  • Take a longer pause of roughly 20-25 minutes after completing 4 Pomodoros.

You might attempt mind mapping if you are a visual learner.

This powerful approach lets you graphically organize vital information in a diagram.

If you want to boost your remember, study for a few hours before going to bed. When you sleep, your brain organizes your memories, and you’ll need to review the content in the morning.

Seek Motivation

All of the other reasons we provide for not focusing on our studies come down to one. Motivational Deficit

Find your inspiration and keep it in mind anytime you feel like giving up. Consider the advantages you’ll gain once the chores complete. Maybe the instructor will compliment you in front of the entire class, or possibly your parents will be ecstatic with your grades.

If you believe that meeting your parents’ standards is challenging, perhaps your crush will notice.

Who knows, they may need your assistance.

The cognitive chat you’ve been having may turn out to be accurate in reality.

Okay, I won’t get your hopes up, but you get the idea, don’t you?

Find your motivation and use it to fuel your planning.

Consider Performing Simpler Tasks

If you find yourself overwhelmed with more extensive activities at first, consider starting with smaller ones. Warming up with routine duties might help you get started on more essential chores.

It is the most effective method for overcoming laziness when studying.

Persuade oneself to begin with a simple task.

Being convinced inside yourself is one of the most influential motivators you can draw to yourself. Assume you have a stack of books to read before your examinations and have yet to devise a study method. You may begin by researching the issue on the internet.

According to studies, youths use the internet at a far higher rate than other age groups.

While using your phone may be one reason you feel unmotivated, you may still use it as a motivational tool.

Having a clear picture of what you need to correct as soon as possible spanks the following key, this time your anxieties.

Make a to-do list.

There are times when you lose track of other tasks that you need to complete because you have so many things to accomplish, such as studying for significant examinations.

You may build a to-do list with simply a piece of sticky note since it is convenient and can place anywhere.

Placing a to-do list wherever you can see it all the time can help you remember what you need to accomplish next.

Making a to-do list will also help you focus on your responsibilities, especially when distractions are around the corner. A brief reminder: your to-do list should not be on your mind.

It should be adequately crafted or ingeniously designed.

It will help you to form an image of the day’s job in your mind.

Always keep in mind that colors and creativity have a strong attraction to the human senses.

Try to mix up subjects

If you become tired of studying one topic for an hour, try a different one—set goals such as completing two modules of Applied Mathematics and one module of Industrial Management.

Bouncing between subjects allows you to freshen your thoughts while continuing your study.

Consider the ramifications.

Thinking about the beneficial outcomes of learning might motivate someone to begin learning.

If you have this type of drive in your head but lack the guts to start it, and laziness still rules your life, how about trying the opposite way around? Instead of focusing on the rewards of learning, consider the drawbacks of not studying.

You may receive a failing mark and be required to retake the same course. It sounds dreadful. So use this as inspiration to wake up, flip through your notebooks, and begin reading and studying.

Take Breaks

No one wants to spend days on end at the library over a stack of books or pull all-nighters.

Learn how to manage your time correctly and take brief breaks between study sessions.

For example, after an hour of studying, you can take a 15-minute break. You may do anything to relax and give your brain a holiday, such as reading intriguing news, listening to music, going for a brief stroll outside, or getting some coffee.

Study routine

You will achieve achievement via self-discipline.

That is why you must establish a regular daily study schedule.

It is essential to study at the same time every day and week; this will help you to make learning a habit. You’ll form routines and be emotionally and psychologically prepared for each study session.

It will allow you to be more productive while avoiding procrastination.

You can, of course, adjust your timetable due to unforeseen situations, but you should return to your regular pattern afterward.

Reward Yourself

Be kind to yourself. Eliminating laziness is complex; therefore, you should praise yourself every time you succeed.

It will keep you motivated to complete your studies.

For example, you may reward yourself with ice cream or a chocolate bar if you complete a complex project.

And if you complete a significant assignment, you may reward yourself by going out to meet your friends or spending the entire day reading your favorite book. This advice is scientifically supported.

When you receive a reward, your body releases dopamine, a neurotransmitter that produces a feeling of pleasure.

Because it is incredibly addictive, you will find yourself craving it again and again.

Adopt Healthy Lifestyle Habits

A healthy lifestyle is beneficial to your physical health and will allow you to think clearly and concentrate when studying.

Exercise regularly, eat a well-balanced diet, drink lots of water to remain hydrated, get adequate sleep, and discover strategies to control your stress levels.

Avoid Procrastination

Though procrastination is a result of laziness, it promotes even greater laziness.

As a result, it is yet another crucial technique for overcoming lethargy when studying.

To prevent performing tasks at the last minute, we must avoid procrastinating, which will lessen the drowsy sensation we are experiencing.

Yoga or physical exercise

Yoga and other indoor physical exercises will help to boost your brain. It is yet another critical trick for overcoming tiredness and lethargy when studying.


Discipline is the key to defeating laziness. It would help if you quit specific habits or actions to succeed.

As with studying, you only need to stop doing things that might distract you and cause you to lose concentration and begin doing something that will help you get good outcomes.

If you are easily distracted by devices, put them aside while you are studying.

Please make this a habit to be accustomed to it the next time you have to study.

Remember that these minor sacrifices will have far-reaching consequences in the future.

Evaluate Yourself

Constantly reviewing the goals, you have met and those that have yet to complete can help you stay on track.

Staying on track will naturally compel you to continue learning.

Reviewing is the key to eliminating laziness when studying.

In Conclusion

It is common to be sluggish while studying.

Everyone goes through it, especially if there is a lot to learn and don’t know where and how to begin.

Laziness is a bad personality characteristic that we should all strive to overcome. Learning how to manage your time and study smarter, not harder, is the key to overcoming laziness and being an excellent student.

The simplest method to avoid being lazy is to start doing work and doing it as well as possible.

And it would help if you kept in mind that it is one of the most significant things you can do to advance in life.

Amit Kumar blog is managed by Amit Kumar. He and his team come from the Oxford, Stanford and Harvard. At FreeEducator, we strive to create the best admission platform so that international students can go to the best universities - regardless of financial circumstances. By applying with us, international students get unlimited support and unbiased advice to secure the best college offers overseas.

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