
Examples of Cause and Effect Essay

To explain what cause and effect essay should look like, we provide the following examples.

Example 1

Effect of Water Pollution

The world we live in today has experienced significant changes in terms of technological advancement. These changes have caused humanity to live a more comfortable life.

Despite the benefits of these improvements, there are some negative impacts. One of them is water pollution, which affects both humans and plants living in seas and oceans.

The common causes of water pollution include oil spillage, the presence of toxic chemicals in water, soil contamination. In this essay, we will explain these causes.

Refining of crude oil gives us products such as kerosene, gasoline, diesel, asphalt, petroleum jelly, and many others. These products are useful for domestic activities like lubrication, fuel for motors, road construction, fuel for cooking, and production of Vaseline and wax.

Read More: What Is the Cause and Effect Essay?

But if these petroleum products spill onto water bodies with aquatic life, it depletes the oxygen levels, causing danger to marine lives.

Many industrial plants release harmful gases and chemicals as by-products of their manufacturing process. Some of those pollutants include cadmium and lead. If such contaminants get into water bodies, the microorganisms living in the water get contaminated.

These microorganisms are consumed by plankton, which in turn are ingested by bigger aquatic animals. The consequence of this is that human beings consume marine animals and get infected.

The most significant threat to health presented by water pollution faces humans. For example, the consumption of seafood can cause hepatitis. More so, cholera and diphtheria are a result of consuming polluted water. 

Besides, if you swim in polluted water, you most likely will develop skin ailments, typhoid fever, reproductive problems, and so on. 

In conclusion, the analysis above explains that water pollution poses a serious threat to both the existence of humans and animals that inhabit the water. Potential solutions include the channelling of harmful industrial waste to the appropriate destination rather than into water, proper disinfection of water before drinking.

Example 2

What Makes People Snore?

Why people snore is one of the most asked questions on Google. Snoring is the act of inhaling and exhaling noisily while sleeping. It can be irritating to sleep next to a person who snores.

The leading causes of snoring include weight, age, gender, position during sleep, and consumption of certain substances (alcohol or cigarettes or both). This essay will shed more light on the causes of snoring and ways by which it affects people around us.

Ageing comes with specific effects, and one of them is the tendency of snoring. As a person crosses the middle age, the throat becomes narrower, causing the muscle tone to decrease.

But we cannot avoid the natural process of growing old. However, strategic changes in lifestyle, adjustment of the bedtime routine, and throat exercise can help to prevent snoring. 

Another factor that contributes to snoring is weight. Being overweight on its own has many disadvantages, and snoring is one of them. By gaining influence, more tissues start to cluster around the throat and nasal areas. This cluster adds to the weight of the neck, which presses against the throat while sleeping.

One other cause of snoring is the presence of nasal and sinus issues. A person experiencing blocked airways will find it hard to inhale air as a result of a vacuum in the throat. This can leads to snoring. But with the proper treatment and medication, blocked airways can be resolved. 

Also, our position while sleeping affects our chances of snoring. Lying on your back causes the base of your tongue to collapse to the wall of your throat, generating a vibrating sound during sleep. To prevent this, try sleeping on your side. 

In conclusion, the factors that contribute to snoring include a person’s weight, age, the position of sleeping, and whether there are nasal or sinus issues. 

Example 3

Factors That Affect Our Health

Being healthy is a mystery. Some people smoke and drink a lot, but live long with relatively good health. While some others that are careful about what they consume, the environment they live in, and their lifestyle at times die early.

Our genetic make-up determines whether we will live long and healthy. But, other factors affect our health. They are intrinsic, extrinsic, and general factors. 

To get things started, let us examine some factors that affect our health in order of decreasing order of significance. The factors include socioeconomic status, health behaviours, environmental conditions, and healthcare.

Socioeconomic status is the most crucial factor that determines the state of our health because it involves race, education, and level of poverty. For a fact, many people live in poor homes. People in this category may be unable to afford proper meals, good exercising centres, and adequate medication.

Poor nutrition can affect their health. The presence of unclean air and water as-well-as toxicity and exposure to other hazardous environmental conditions can affect health. 

Another thing to consider is the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that tend to affect our health. Inherent factors involve elements that exist within the body.

They are capable of causing diseases, whereas external factors are those present in the outside world that can affect our health. Intrinsic factors are allergies, hormonal disorders, internal organs, and hereditary diseases, while extrinsic factors include environmental pollution (air, water, land) and infections caused by microorganisms. 

We have dwelt on physical health up till this point. But, mental health is of equal importance because the resultant effect of poor mental health is severer than that of poor physical health.

A recent study by mental health foundation shows that a person experiencing mental health issues like depression has a 67% increased risk of dying from heart diseases and a 50% increased risk of death from cancer as a result of poor mental health.

This statistics means that a person with psychological sickness is more likely to die faster than a person with 

In conclusion, being healthy depends on many factors. In this essay, we see that socioeconomic status, health behaviours, environmental conditions, and healthcare are the factors that contribute to our health.

But, socioeconomic status is the most threatening factor that requires swift action to ensure that people remain healthy. This means that by raising the socioeconomic status of people, their health also improves. 

In conclusion, a cause-effect essay must have two critical parts, the action, and the reaction. We hope these few samples give you great ideas on how to get yours done.

Amit Kumar blog is managed by Amit Kumar. He and his team come from the Oxford, Stanford and Harvard. At FreeEducator, we strive to create the best admission platform so that international students can go to the best universities - regardless of financial circumstances. By applying with us, international students get unlimited support and unbiased advice to secure the best college offers overseas.

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